

Who The...
The One
Fuck Everything
Disclaimer Page

A Disclaimer

This is a story. It is nothing more than that, it is nothing less than that. It is a complete work of fiction, something that could not, and will not, ever happen in the real world. It is written partially with the intent to amuse those who may be amused by it, partially with the intent of keeping me sane. Writing this has allowed me some limited form of escape from my current situation.
It does contain sexual activity. If this bothers you, don't read it.
It contains sexual activity involving someone who is an implied minor, even though no age is ever stated. If this bothers you, don't read it.
If you think you will be in any way traumatized by this item, if it will cause you any undue stress or worry, if you believe it will trouble you, don't read it.
I am placing no obligation on anyone to read my work. If you don't want to, don't read it.
I make no excuses as to what is contained with in this, and any likenesses to a person or persons, while not coincidental, is not in any way reflective of that person. Their attitudes may not be their actual attitudes, their speech and actions may be things they would never do or say.
In order to comply with a request by someone with a sense of personal involvement, all names other than my own have been altered from what they originally were. The names are the only thing to have changed, everything else remains in its original, unabridged form.
Once again, I will state that this is a creation of fantasy. It is not reality, and anyone about to read this who thinks they may confuse the two should not read it.
This being a story containing sexual activities, I am obligated to say that anyone who is not a legal adult who may read erotic or otherwise explicit material cannot legally read this document, and should not do so.
Should you violate any of the above clauses, knowingly or unknowingly, by opening this file, you place the complete burden of this action upon yourself and both cannot and will not, place any of this blame upon to the author of this story.

That having been said, click here to download the updated file.

For anyone who may not know already, the story, with original names, was published on Literotica.
At last checking, it had a rating of 4.52 out of 5, after 100 votes, and been read by at least 11111 people. This puts it, at last toplist update, at number 100 in the Erotic Couplings category!